Thursday, June 12, 2008


In my zoology class we do dissections just about every week in lab. We have so far dissected round worms, earth worms, squid, and a sea star. This Thursday(June 12) we dissected a Dog Fish Shark. I was going to post the actual dissection but I didn't know if any of you are queasy. There is a funny story attached to this shark: After my lab partner and I dissected in the cavity, my lab partner tells me to look at what he is doing. He pressed down on the Urogenital papilla and out squirted white stuff all over his face (yes that is sperm). I just about died I laughed so hard. Everyone in the class turned around and I tried explaining through my laughter and all I could say was "Urogenital papilla". Everyone in the class started laughing... that was great fun.


Anonymous said...

i only dissected a pig in HS haha but your story is funny

Unknown said...


Actually, I sort of enjoy dissecting. Don't tell...

Amber said...

That's super gross. I've only ever had to dissect a frog in 9th grade. That makes me laugh about the guy squirting himself in the face. So gross!