Looking through this blog there seems to be a one theme event: the outdoors. I am not a creative writer on this blog. In fact, I am anything but creative or well-spoken on any event that I publish on this site. I am sorry for the lameness of my written communication. I just slap on pictures and write the bare minimum with no excitement.
I really do write better than this...
I think I might consider myself as a red-neck now.
first off I LOVE the outdoor theme and it inspires me to get outside more! and I too am not witty w/my posts. Thanks for blogging you redneck you! :)
celeste you're so funny! i like your blog, its fun to read and its fun to hear what you're up to! :)
I have noticed the theme and wondered if you and Blake are homeless. Is that why you go camping ALL the time?
Celeste! How are you?? I cant believe when I saw you last March neither of us were married now we both are and I have a baby girl! Looks like you two do so many fun things! Are you still up in Rexburg?? Im glad I found you on here!
That is how I do my blog, just a short explanation. I like it that way otherwise I would be on here all day
I love your blog, Celeste. There are few places more beautiful in the world than Idaho. I am in a place of quiet solace every time I read your blog- plus a place of sheer wilderness excitement!
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