Friday, August 29, 2008

Flaming Boat

On Saturday night we boated to the marina (an hour away) to watch the parade of boats and fireworks. We had to drive the boat back in the dark and it was pretty interesting (luckily there was a GPS involved). We had an awesome time with our cousins and family.
We also went to Vernal, UT to go to the dinosaur museum.

Raptor love


Unknown said...

You guys are PARTY ANIMALS!

What's your story for December? AZ? ID?

Unknown said...

Lincoln Says: I love water skiing! You guys have had a fun summer. Enjoy every moment because life only once.

Marcinelle said...

That Raptor love really works for me. Did you know that your younger sister does the "Raptor Imitation" to amuse her team mates during stressful games? You two must be sisters!